Friday, April 8, 2011

Taking Control of your Social Media Profile

There are times when we are annoyed by the intruders on social media platforms. We have unwanted guests who constantly nag you with their constant requests to be included into your social circle. Once you give in to their constant nagging requests and accept them as your friends your problems don’t end there. The real irritation from their end starts from there.

Taking Facebook as a case study you will find a lot of spammers out there just trying to get their friend request approved with a nice sober photograph of a celebrity as their profile picture. Such people are really not confident in themselves.

A survey conducted by daily deals site Ever save, found that women are constantly annoyed by their ‘friends’ on Face book.

Over 400 women responded to the survey, which asked questions like ‘do you have a friend who is a drama queen’ and ‘do you have an obnoxiously proud mother as a Face book friend’.

83% of respondents were annoyed at one time or another by their Face book connections, with the most annoying of posts was a whine or a complaint’.

All respondents said at least one Facebook friend tends to:

Share too much useless information (65%)

‘Like’ too many things (46%)

Spam Face book to promote their interests (40%)

Use Face book as a ‘dreaming’ platform about their life (40%)

Even with this kind of behavior on the large social networking site of the world users are quite comfortable in using this platform as the options that have been provided can easily be worked in favor of the genuine user. Blocking and infringing a unwanted friend is not that difficult and if you think it could be quite rude on your part to unfired a particular intruder just hide all the posts that are being posted by the user which reflect on your wall.

Social media platforms are there to help genuine people build their network and interact with each other in a easy and detailed manner. Misuse of these platforms is going to be a problem that is there to stay. Genuine users and administrators have to be smart enough to foresee such misuse and keep tools and techniques which can work out to at least minimize the irritation caused.

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