Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Five Easy Steps to a Facebook Viropoly

It’s true for many things, such as Facebook Places, which took Foursquare’s crown not that long ago, Facebook Questions, which almost destroyed Yahoo’s only dominant Social entrant, and now Facebook Marketplace, which could prove a direct competitor to eBay in the coming year (with all of its proposed upgrades and whatnot).

It’s hard to imagine a life without Facebook, and more importantly, 600 million consumers can’t get enough.

So how do you achieve notoriety on the worlds biggest network? A Viropoly is what you want (the point at which your Social Awareness makes your competition irrelevant).

Create a Facebook Page for your business or your product. That might sound easy, but it really is the first step. Without this, you’re still left scratching your head.

Tell everyone you know. Again, might sound easy, but sometimes it’s all it takes. If you’ve got, say 300-1000 friends, and you can ask them all to ‘Like’ your page, the follow-on effect that has puts your Page into the perspective of all of their friends, which could net you 1000's of Likes overnight

Tell everyone that would care. Check out Facebook Groups that align with your business objective. You’ll probably find groups with 1000's, if not 100’000's members of die-hard fans and passionate supporters of the industry you’re in. Just plug your Page and monitor the results.

Advermarket. Facebook’s PPC might not be as effective as Google’s Adwords at converting sales, but it sure is useful. You can target any age group, in any location, and even anyone who uses a specific keyword. Then all you need is to ‘incentivise’ your Likes (doesn’t have to be monumental, just give away an iPad or Facebook-only discounts for example), and you’re rolling.

Monitor, Respond and Measure. Take control of your Page, don’t let people spam their wares on your hard-earned Page, respond to all positive and negative posts and always take into consideration things that work and things that do not work (and then apply that to Viropoly Round #2).

Following these brief steps could lead to a greater generation of potential leads from Facebook like never before, whilst leaving your competitors in the dust. That’s a Viropoly.

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